MovingWater at the Catania Tattoo Convention 2016.
Movingwater is back in action… this time at the Catania Tattoo convention.
In the first edition on 17 and 18 September there’s also our selfsufficient handwash cabinet MovingWater.
L’evento ha riunito più di 100 tra i più noti tatuatori a livello nazionale ed internazionale, che naturalmente hanno assicurato igiene e pulizia ospitando nei propri Stand il comodo lavello MovingWater.
The event brought together more than 100 of the most famous tattoo artists at national and international level, which of course assured hygiene and cleanliness in their Stand by hosting the convenient sink MovingWater.
An example of fairness in meeting the sanitary norms, thanks to the option RENT. Personalized proposals for short-term rentals (weekend) or medium and long-term (week or more).
Let us recall that both inside the Tattoo Studio and during temporary events with stand construction, etc. like these, there must be a wash basin with hot and cold water, controlled by a foot pedal or crank rod (surgical lever).
MovingWater, quindi, è risultato indispensabile perchè ha permesso di disporre comodamente di acqua senza bisogno di allacci idrici o fognari, oltre al fatto che munito di comando a pedale (non elettrico). Per cui un sistema totalmente idoneo rispetto al REGOLAMENTO che DISCIPLINA tale ATTIVITA’.
MovingWater, therefore, has proved indispensable because it has allowed to have conveniently of water without the need of water or sewage hook-ups, besides the fact that is equipped with a foot pedal (not electric). So a totally suitable system for the RULES that are GOVERNING this ACTIVITIES.